Today’s Motto: ‘Sometimes your disappointments make you a stronger person for the future’.
As each day makes a new beginning in life, it brings new opportunities, opens new avenues, to perform and make a mark, to write a Page in History Book!
This is Your Day-TODAY: Take a Determined Step Forward and Make History!
On this day, July 05…………
1658 – Aurangzeb arrested Murad.
1687 – Isaac Newton’s great work PRINCIPIA published by Royal Society in England. Outlines his laws of motion and universal gravitation.
1841 – Thomas Cook arranged a special train between Leicester and Loughborough in England for a temperance meeting. It is believed to be the first publicly advertised excursion train in England. From this initiative grew the worldwide travel agency Thomas Cook and Son.
1865 – A lower speed limit – of 2 mph in town and 4 mph in the country – was imposed in Britain under the Locomotives and Highways Act. The “Red Flag” Act also required three drivers for each vehicle – two on the vehicle and one to walk ahead carrying a red flag. It was repealed in 1896, after nearly two decades of strong support from horse interests.
1905 – Lord Curzon joined the part of Bengal to Assam and divided Bengal.
1946 – Louis Reard’s two-piece swimsuit design debuts at Paris fashion show. (Louis Réard was a French automobile engineer and clothes designer. He is best known for launching a two-piece swimsuit in 1946, which he called the bikini).
1947 – Indian Act, 1947 was presented in British Parliament, which was then accepted by the emperor on 18th July.
1952 – Thousands of onlookers watched the run of London’s last tram, which ran from Woolwich to New Cross. (the beginning of the century, a large, integrated tram system had been developed in London and its suburbs. But by the 1920’s and 30’s trams came to be seen as noisy and dangerous to other road users, and by the early 1930s the golden age of the tram was drawing to a close).
1954 – The BBC broadcasts its first television news bulletin (image credits – iStock)
1962 – Algeria gains independence after 132 years of French rule.
1968 – Naval Submarine wing in Indian Naval Force came into existence with the arrival of the first submarine from the Soviet Union.
1977 – Pakistan’s army, led by Gen Mohammad Zia ul-Haq, seizes power.
1981 – Rajan Mahadevan recites 31,811 digits of π (Pi) from memory.
1984 – Indian Airlines airbus hijacked, lands in Lahore.
1996 – Dolly, a cloned sheep, was born at the Roslin Institute, Edinburgh, Scotland. (Dolly was the first mammal to be cloned).
2000 – The Prime Minister AB Vajpayee rules out restoring pre-1953 status to Jammu and Kashmir.
2000 – Rachita Mistry breaks P.T. Usha’s long-standing record in 100m (11.39s) clocking 11.26s in the National circuit meet in Bangalore.
2015 – Followers of Indian spiritual leader Ashutosh Maharaj win a court case, 3 years after his death, to keep his body in a freezer in case he should return to life (image credit – Divyajyoti- Jagriti Sansthan)
2018 – Saleswomen in Kerala, India, win right to sit down and take toilet breaks in new amendment to law.
2022 – In possibly largest-ever Chinese security breach, hacker offers to sell Shanghai police a database with information on one billion Chinese.
1882 – Hazrat Inayat Khan, classical singer and Muslim mystic. He was instrumental in bringing Sufism to the music.
1980 – Zayed Khan, actor.
You may have known….
Frogs eat any insects that might harm spiders so some giant tarantulas keep tiny frogs as pets.
{Compiled by Lt. Gen. (R) Raj Kadyan}
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