RNI Performa
(See Rule 8)
Statement about ownership and other particulars about newspaper NewsOnRadar.com to be published in the first issue every year after the last day of February.
1. Place of Publication : New Delhi (Web portal)
2. Periodicity of its Publication : Daily (digitally)
3. Printer’s Name : Subhash Chand Vatsain
Nationality : Indian (a) Whether a citizen of India : Yes (b) If a foreigner, the country of origin : Not applicable
Address : Flat No. 4, Satya Niketan, 2nd floor, Back Portion, New Delhi -110021
4. Publisher’s Name : Subhash Chand Vatsain Nationality : Indian (a) Whether a citizen of India : Yes (b) If a foreigner, the country of origin : Not Applicable
Address : Flat No. 4, Satya Niketan, 2nd floor, Back Portion New Delhi -110021
5. Editor’s Name : Subhash Chand Vatsain
Nationality : India (a) Whether a citizen of India : Yes (b) If a foreigner, the country of origin : Not applicable
Address : Flat No. 4, Satya Niketan, 2nd floor, Back Portion New Delhi -110021
6. Names and addresses of individuals who own the newspaper and partners or shareholders holding more
than one per cent of the total capital : Subhash Chand Vatsain
I, Subhash Chand Vatsain, hereby declare that the particulars given above are true to the best of my knowledge and belief.
Subhash Chand Vatsain
Dated : 28th February, 2023 Signature of Publisher